May 14, 2017: A Loving Tribute To A Missing Brother...
Posted by JeffsFort

A long time ago, long before "The Fort Family" became a reality, I personally had the pleasure of working with Gary Q. on the original "Gary's Garden" website, reformatting text versions of each chapter, designing new graphics and even doing some proofreading for an author I absolutely admired. Gary and I became friends after many hours of eye-straining computer work to not only keep his chapters coming, but to also build a community of authors, and offer a place to start new authors (Myself Included) so their hard work could be recognized. In early 2004, I began construction on the original mirror site to ensure the works of Gary Q. would never be lost (since it was on a free server) and thankfully, I was finally able to complete that project.

Launched on March 22, 2005 - a few months after Gary's Garden seemed to be lost from the server and about two years since Gary had sent his last message to us, I decided the work Gary and I put into the mirror site was to be incorporated into this new site, to somewhat preserve the original feel of "The Garden" while making it as easy as the rest of our family sites to navigate. With the help of the best team on the internet and the creative genius of the creator of our custom Story Management Software, I really think we've created the perfect "Forever Home" for his work and a tribute that thousands still enjoy to this day.

This site is dedicated to all fans of Gary's work, as we never want to see his stories vanish from the net. (I am just thankful he had given permission, in the beginning, to make this all possible today.) It amazes all of us how many people are STILL reading his work for the first time. I hope somehow he knows.

At the time the original version of this site was launched, Gary had been missing from the community he helped create for over two years and although we were all concerned for his well-being, as there was never an explanation of what happened, we are proud to be able to offer his work a place to call home for as long as we are able to maintain it.

So, from the entire "Fort Family" that he helped to found, we offer this tribute to Gary Q. from us all to ensure his work will never disappear from the net again, at least not on our watch! ;)
